Summer Fun Climbing and Abseiling Session - 25th August 2020


Summer Fun Climbing and Abseiling Session - 25th August 2020




April 28, 2024

They did it!  Well done to both our families today for braving the weather and still having fun on the half day climbing and abseiling session.The weather tried it's best with Storm Francis however after getting kitted up with helmets and harness, and talking over the safety elements of the day the abseil and climbs were set up and they were away.Climbing first, lead by Ewan.

Having managed to climb the superbly wet limestone while sheltered from the wind, it was back down via a slightly different route for the abseil.

Lewis got to grips with it after instruction from Craig and Fiona did an awesome job of making it look easy!  However well done everyone.After a climb and abseil in super wet conditions it was agreed that the next lot of climbs would be better off in a rather dryer environment and therefore into Ingleton Climbing Wall we went.

A good number of climbs were managed by everyone and some coaching on the art of leading indoors was given to all but was especially given as Ewan is in the process of completing his NICAS Level 4.To brave the storm and manage to climb and abseil with warm smiles and enthusiasm was an amazing achievement by such lovely people.   Thank you for making it such a great day, even if the weather wanted it to be wet and wild.We finished, slightly tired, a bit damp but happy. We managed to do lots of climbing and an abseil in this half day session. Well done everyone.We hope you enjoyed the Yorkshire Dales and the climbing fun too.

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